Friday, July 01, 2005

The Evolution of the Love Lyric

I'm very concerned as to where we're going in the way we:

(choose appropriate word or phrase to fit your generation)
kick it ...

...with the opposite sex. And I blame it ALL on the music industry. Instead of giving you a classic B. Holcomb dissertation, let me share with you some of my favorite song lyrics as we journey through time from the late 50s to the present day:

Song: To Be Loved
Artist: Jackie Wislon
Time: Approx late 50s

"Some wish to be a king or a queen,
Some wish for fortune and fame,
But to be truly, truly, truly loved
Is more than all of these things!"

Observation: See how simple things were back when the older generation was at the top of their game?? Love was special, love meant something. Being a playa (although seen but not spoken about) was not embraced as much as it is today.

But then it got fun

Song: Do you Love Me?
Artist: The Contours
Time: Approx early 1960s

"You broke my heart
'Cause I couldn't dance
You didn't even want me around
And now I'm back, to let you know I can really shake 'em down

Do you love me? (I can really move)
Do you love me? (I'm in the groove)
Ah do you love? (Do you love me) Now that I can dance (dance) "

Observation: In this song a man wanted the attention of a woman, but received the cold shoulder because he couldn't dance. Now he's worked on his dancing and he's ready! See back in the Motown golden age, it didn't take much...a good rap, and/or good dance moves, and it's a wrap! However, I still can't fathom that one doing the Mash Potato helped them get a date, but I also thought New Coke tasted good back in 1985, so what do I Know?

So then the trend continues to mix fun and love, but how do you really feel?

Song: Reasons
Aritst: Per Steve Harvey, "the baddest band God has ever assembled", Earth Wind & Fire
Time: Early 70s

"Now, I'm craving your body,
Is this for real?
Temperature rising, don't wanna feel
I'm in the wrong, place to be real
I'm longing to love you. If just for a night..."

Observation: "I can't explain the reasons that I'm feeling this way, but I don't want this feeling to ever dissapear now that I'm here with you." If said with sincerity, fellas this should be a done deal!"

Song: Maybe Tomorrow
Aritst: The Jackson 5
Time: mid 70s

"You are the book that I read each day
You are the song that I sing Gonna sing it to you
You are the four seasons of my life
But maybe tomorrow, you'll change your mind girl
But Maybe tomorrow, you'll come back to my arms girl "

Observation: "I'm so into you girl, that this is how much I think about you. I'm sorry for what I've done, but maybe tomorrow or the next day, or next week, you'll realize what we had." I don't know who exactly wrote this song, but they are making little Michael Jackson excercise a lot of patience (Insert favorite MJ joke here.)

But then, true love coupled with emotions are captured

Song: Here & Now
Aritst: Luther Vandross (You know I had to use a Luther example)
Time: approx early 80s

"I look in your eyes and there I see
What happiness really means
The love that we share makes life so sweet
Together we'll always be
This pledge of love feels so right
And, ooh, I need you"

Observation: This is what every Groom should be saying to their Bride. This is a no brainer in terms of "Wedding songs"

Song: Tender Love (a/k/a The Krush Groove love theme)
Aritst: Force MDs
Time mid 80s

"Here I lay all alone (Tossin turning)
Longing for some of your, (Tender Love)
I'm waitin for the right moment (to come So I)
can thank you for, All the tender love you've given to me

Observation: "I miss your (love, presence, everything about you). I long for you. "

(Big ups to all of you that just did the "Tender Love Shuffle" while singing those lyrics to yourself)

Song: Make It Last Forever
Artist: Keith Sweat (Or Mariah Carey & Joe depending on who you speak with)
Time: approx late 80s (or early millennium depending on your reference)

"Let me hear you tell me you love me
Let me hear you say you'll never leave me
Ooh, girl, that would make me feel so right
Let me hear you tell me you want me
Let me hear you say you'll never leave me, baby
Until the morning light"

Observation: "I want to endure your love. Tell me how much you love me, let's make it last forever." Nice foreplay song. Fellas, if this is still on your "booty tape" and you are unsuccesful:

a) Change the game.
b) You simply have no one to blame but yourself. and
c) You suck.

Then it started becoming "real smooth on the R&B tip"

Song: Comforter
Aritst: Shai
Time: Approx early 90s

"(Come in)...I see he's hurt you again,
When you're in pain (I'm in pain)
That's part of bein' a friend.But this is a special case.I
held my feelings back because of him
And now I can see more than ever
I made a very, big, mistake."

Observation: This man has feelings for you, but he held them back because you were in love with someone who isn't right for you (Nice Guys anthem). This is also a personal favorite b/c I have MANY friends across the country who have used "The Comforter routine" to be with their chosen loves today....(names will be witheld)

Song: Femininity
Artist: Eric Benet
Time: Approx Mid 90s:

A child of innocence is how you look at me
But it's the woman's touch that makes it feel so right (so right)
Your lips consume my deepest sensitivity
It feels so good it makes me wanna cry (makes me cry)

Observation: Next to Lauryn Hill, this is one of the better ways I've heard the feeling of a kiss described.
And for those that really wanna go there, not since Janet Jackson has this feeling been so subtley described...if ya don't know now ya know...

But also bare in mind, your guy Eric likes to perform barefoot and ashy lipped (at least that was his uniform @ Essence Festival 2001).
Eric, if you ever read this, I just want you to know that (all jokes aside) I have your back, and there's no such thing as a sex addict!!! How you gon' have Hallie's mom and Oprah diagnose YOU?

Okay here's where it falls apart

Song: Let's Get Married
Artist: Jagged Edge
Approx: 2000

"Meet me at the altar in your white dress
We ain't getting no younger, we might as well do it
Been feeling all the while girl I must confess
Girl let's just get marriedI just wanna get married"

Observation: Do you really?? Sad thing is if you don't listen to the lyrics (like most ppl today), you'll transform into a regular of the show "Bandstand" sounds good, I like the beat, and I can dance to it. But I digress...To me, it seems like Jermaine Dupri (who wrote the song) was tasked w/ creating a love song about futility...Thank GOD for the remix.

Song: My Place
Artist: Nelly f/ Jaheim
Approx: 2004

"I heard your friend told a friend that told a friend of mine
That you was thinking that we should do it one more time
If this aint the truth then hopefully it's not a lie
Cause I aint got no issue's with hitting at another time"

Observation: I actually heard this Thundercat* use this line to this girl at the mall, and she giggled and walked off w/ him. This is a SAD state of affairs people! If you know of any other ppl who this line has worked on, please let me know. I'd be interested in hearing your stories

*Thundercat= young male

Lastly, the lyric that inspired this blog entry:

Song: ?????? But it gets mad rotation everytime I tune on the radio just to get a traffic report
Artist: See above
Time: Present day.

"And even when those 20s stop spinnin'
And all dem gold diggin' women dissapear
We'll still be here!!!"

Observation: You've got to be kidding me.

OK, so this turned into a B. Holcmb dissertation. Sometimes my mind gets to wandering and suddenly you have what is before you. Before I go shout outs to the The Holla @ Ya Boys Famand to . Thanks for lettin' me be part of the family

Still chasing the back of the wagon as if I'm ReRun from What's Happenin'???
B. Holcomb


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