Superman come back!!!

Superman Returns
Starring: Brand Routh, Kate Bosworth, Kevin Spacey, James Marsden & Parker Posey
Directed by: Brian Singer
October 2000 B. Holcomb learns that they are going to bring Superman back to the big screen...don't even try it he says
September 2001 The TV series "Smallville" which chronicles the life of Clark Kent as a young teenager in Smallville, KS debuts on the WB Network. B. Holcomb enjoys this series and has told many of his friends to this series (probably 2 of those ppl he told about the show still are faithful watchers.) Meanwhile Superman is being stalled because they can't settle on a "Superman" nor a director.
Fall 2004 After names such as Ashton Kutcher, Nicolas Cage (who BTW will be playing Johnny Blaze a/k/a Ghost Rider in Feb 07) and others turned down the role of Clark Kent. They cast an unheard of actor from Iowa (coincidence?) named Brandon addition, Brian Singer of X-Men fame left the X-Men franchise (that's why X3 was such a let down) to direct Superman.
I'm still we really need to bring back Superman? But I asked the same question about Batman Begins and was pleasnatly surprised
May 2nd 2006 I finally viewed the first full preview of Superman and Kevin Spacey is killing it!!! This may be the best movie of the summer!
Okay, so here's the situation, so you know what to expect. Sometime after Superman defeated General Zod and his minions (Superman II) and before Superman III, astronomers reported that there may be some remains of Krypton still floating in Superman leaves sidebar issue #1: How was Superman able to travel that far in space, even in the comics and the cartoons your guy needed a space suit! He returns back to planet Earth 5 years later to resume his life as mild mannered reporter Clark Kent
During this same time, Lex Luthor has been in jail and released; has married a rich old woman, and took over her fortune as she passes away in the bed. Lex as normal, is up to something, and you're waiting w/ baited breath to figure out what it is.
Back in Metropolis, the Daily Planet (which BTW, why is that the tallest structure in the city?) seems to going on as normal. Lois Lane has earned a Pulitzer prize for an article she's written a couple of years ago entitled "Why The World Doesn't Need Superman". Lois is dating Perry White's nephew, has a 5 year old son, and seems to be doing fine.
Okay, I'm only like 25 minutes into the movie now...In an effort to sumise
Clark Kent finds his way back to Metropolis, sees that Lois Lane has moved on, goes of to a local pub to grab a drink with Jimmy Olsen. While watching television, there's a report about a special space shuttle that will be launched via airplane...things go wrong, and suddenly Clark Kent dissapears; Superman reappears and in an awesome action packed sequence saves the day!
This is the world's first visual of Superman in five years and everyone celebrates! Everyone except Lex Luthor...who isn't too bothered because he moves forward w/ his ultimate create a new piece of land just off the East coast of the United States by means of the crystals from the fortress of solitude (don't be surprised if this sounds've seen a similar plot in Superman I) and thus begins the story.
Alright, aside from the movie being 2H 38m, a big inconsistency with the Superman I know and love, and the Superman displayed in this movie, coulped w/ another storyline involving Lois' kid that I didn't really care for, the movie was good...just not "THE MOVIE OF THE SUMMER" that I had hoped it would become
The beginning of the movie feels like the first two superman movies with the opening credits and everything...matter of fact that are periods through the movie where I believe Singer purposely used an older camera lens to give the old school of a 1970s movie.
I just think had they changed the premise of what Lex Luthor was trying to do coupled with some more special effects (or hell maybe even add a new villian from the Superman universe) it could've been better. As I mentioned above, there is a storyline involving Lois' child, so there's probably going to be a sequel...maybe they should introduce Brainiac perhaps??
I also wouldn't recommend taking any young children to see this movie...b/c the movie has so much plot development that child's attention span may not be able to sustain the 2 hour 30 minute movie.
Shine award (or actor who did the best job) was w/o a doubt Kevin Spacey...he NAILED the role of Lex Luthor...although my buddy pointed out that it's a shame he had less lines than Lois Lane...
Overall grade: B-
Next posting...WHAT I'VE LEARNED!!!!!
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