American Gangster: The Jay-Z album

When I first heard of the news that Jay was going to drop yet another CD; this one based off the film American Gangster You can imagine that I had reservations . These reservations were further confirmed when I heard the first single Blue Magic which lead to my questioning in the previous post below.
Then I heard "Roc Boys (..And the winner is)" and absolutley LOVED IT!! So as of October 17th 2007, Sean Carter is 1 for 2 on the new album. At this moment I have to shout out my man Jamal Jackson (b/k/a Jay-Z Zombie #4) for letting me know that this new album is supposed to be a concept album . So I'm lovin' the "Roc Boys" single and can't wait to HEAR the rest of the CD.
In preperation for this CD, I watched BET's American Gagnster profile on Frank Lucas on Wed Oct 31st. On Friday The Court and I doubled w/ Jamal and his now finacee (CONGRATS TO YOU AND JAMYLAH) (Editor's Note: You can check Jamaylah and the the thoughts of her crew right here )
and saw the movie American Gangster starring Denzell Washington & Russell Crowe
(BTW I wonder if in some circles, Russell Crowe's name appears before Denzell Washington).
So now I have some background. On November 6th, I purchased the CD, processed it, and I have to say it's pretty damn good! Below is a brief song by song snynopsis of what I feel Jay-Z was trying to convey in American Gangster
Track #1 intro An Introduction.
Track #2-Pray . Here I believe is where a man is at the crossroads of either staying in the drug game or living a legitimate life. The song goes on to weigh the pros and cons of both situations, and the man is asking you to pray for him
(This song also features Beyonce' doing the speaking parts)
Track #3-American Dreamin' . By now the man in track #2 has decided to continue in the drug game, and the stage is set to begin the conquest of becoming the ultimate Kingpin
(Editor's Note: The production on this track is wonderful!)
Track #4-Hello Brooklyn 2.0 f/ Lil Wayne . Okay first and foremost, I believe there is an industry ploy to make everyone believe Wayne is a good lyricist. No Wayne really sucks! Ok now that that's off my chest, off first instance, I couldn't stand this cut...but after listening to what this song is trying to say. I'm a fan of this joint
This song goes into the man's start of the drug game in Brooklyn, NY. It's sort of ironic in the sense, that he's speaking about his love for the borough, but @ the same time his familiarity w/ the borough makes it a perfect place to serve as homebase for his drug operations. Thank you Brooklyn, NY
Track #5- No Hook . This song is demonstrative of Jay-Z's raw flow. The song is entitled No Hook, and it speaks to The Man's process in building his empire. He's made the decision to stay in the game, he starts in Brooklyn, making a name for himself now he wants to bring his family in and begin his own Kingpin family
Track #6- Roc Boys (...And The Winner is). Again, I absolutley love this song! This song is a celebration of the success the family has gained through the drug game.
(The Fortissimo sound of the horns are ridiculous crazy )
Track #7- Sweet . So after the party is over, this is a reflection of the product...the product of being a drug kingpin, the product of drugs, the proudct of the customers. Listening to the lyrics it takes a reflective view now that the man's family is in the game with him...does he feel bad they followed his footsteps? Does he feel bad the community is slowly tearing apart? Not yet...b/c it's a sweet life
(Production on this track is great also!)
Track #8- I know . My man Jamal and I had to agree to disagree on this song (although I believe I'm correct). Jamal believes this song is a personfication of Heroin...which if you listen to the first 3 lines of the song, one could draw that conclusion easily. However after listening to the entire song I felt that this song is a personification of overall "addiction". The addiction to drugs, the addiction to stay high...the overall feeling you get to stay high.
(Initially I didn't think this song fit w/ the overall mood of the CD, b/c it lacked that 70s feel that was being heard up until this point. But again, after I listened and understood this song I grew to appreciate it...and the beat does actually work w/ this song; in it's own unique way continuing w/ the 70s vibe) Editor's Note: Hello Brooklyn lacks a 70's vibe also
Track #9-Party Life . This song is more like "I know" part II. Just delves deeper into the game, that feeling of addiction, and continued attitudes from getting high.
(Unforunatley, this song could've been left off the album, as I'm really not digging it all that much)
Track #10- Ignorant Sh** f/ Beannie Siegel . This song is pretty special to me, as it was the last song I heard before I walked down the aisle on July 30, 2004. So why is this song on this album in 2007? I don't get it. As much I love this song, it just doesn't fit on this album. The only rationale I can provide for this is this song explains that the drug game can get you so messed up that shit (life) just becomes ignorant? That's a stab...and I consider myself pretty good at turning the abstract into tangible thoughts and ideas.
Editor's Note: So by now I've heard 3 versions of this song:
Overall, I'll stick w/ my little mixtape version that's on my iPod ; back to my breakdown
Track 11-Say Hello . Every gangster film, piece etc. needs a "Say Hello to the Bad Guy" anthem right? Well here it is.
(Sorry I don't have much to say about this track, but I always find myself stuck on the Ignorant Shit point made above)
Track 12-Success f/ Nas . So this is the part of the movie where everything is going good, and the producers, directors are setting you up for the big fall. But this is usually that last big party, where something is said to the wrong person and you know the kingpin is gonna pay in the end. This song reflects on the evolution of the kingpin and describes what success is @ the ultimate peak. This is far and away my favorite cut on the CD...But when is Jay-Z going to learn to not have guest artists who do better than him on his own isht? (i.e. Renegade f/ Eminem...which btw, you've never seen a Jay-Z Eminiem collaboration again have you?)
Track 13-Fallin'. So Track #12 was the Climax, and now Track 13 "Fallin" details the Falling action (for my English Lit inclined). This too is an enjoyable song, and can you believe Jermaine Dupri produced this song?
The remaining tracks are bonus tracks. ONe is the very terrible "Blue Magic" that I refuse to comment on, and the other track "American Gangster" reminds me of the 1992 classic "Tonite" by DJ Quik "Cause as soon they come, we doin' the same ol shit TONIGHT!!!"
Peace to all who continue to shout me out in your respective blogs, conference calls & happy hour conversations. As I tell people, I'm not really a funny dude, I'm just the guy that speaks about all the activities happening in my life
On a parting note, wifey is due by December 12th. I have no idea how many weeks she is, but she's due by December 12th. I will do my best to update continue to update the blog once a month about the redefintion of my life (B Holcomb: The parenting chronicles) in addition to my commentary of the game we called life..but keep in mind that creativity cannot be forced (Peace to Aaron McGruder)
oh yea The American Gangster album...I give it a solid 4.25 mics! (out of 5)
From the guy who always wonders how do seeing eye dogs know exactly where to go
B. Holcomb
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