In My Mind...
Zoe 101

My wife will be the first to tell you, when I develop a celebrity
crush, I become a closet stalker of said person. So when I learned the news that Zoe Salanda (pictured above) will be playing the role of my old school Star Trek crush in the upcoming Star Trek movie (LT Uhura played by the lovely Nichelle Nichols pictured below) I was happier than R. Kelly @ a debutante ball

Zoe hit my radar around 01/02 when she played Nick Cannon's love intrest in the movie Drumline...then I remember seeing her in an episode of Law & Order SVU (a show I just began watching in 2006...I know. She was also in the first "Pirates of the Carribbean" movie. (she had a small role, and if you blinked you missed her). She was also in that movie "The Terminal" starring Tom Hanks...ironically she played a Trekkie in that film (lol). Regardless, I'm hype for this new Star Trek Movie:
Sylar from "Heroes" is playing Spock. And the underrated actor Eric Bana is playing the movie's antagonist a Romulan (I think he's a Romulan) named "Nero". My only "concern" is that JJ Abrams is directing this joint. Brilliant Sci-Fi mind, but damnit if he doesn't quit confusing me w/ "Lost"...
Here is a teaser poster with Zoe as Uhura...

Super Bowl EX EL Eye Eye Eye (43)
I'm torn this year about who to root for in this year's Super Bowl. I'm a fan of Omar...I mean Mike Tomlin (Head Coach of the Steelers) but I also like Kurt Warner (Our former QB, who brought us our first and only Super Bowl Championship). But I don't want the Bidewell family (Owners of the Cardinals) to win. Not only that, but b/c the Cardinals in the Super Bowl a lot of the "hype" isn't there this year...We'll see what happens. Peace to my man CJ who was able to score some tix to the big game...
The Inauguration
Courtney and I were fortunate enough to be in Washington DC "amongst the people" (Peace to my man Steve and his lady Rikah) during the inauguration ceremony. Below is footage from our point of view
WARNING: I apologize in advance for the "Blair Witch" presentation...but this video is still worth sharing!
Lastly...I'm on Twitter y'all! Peace once again to the Diva for hippin' me to "the next big social network device but I didn't get it at first". Regardless though, feel free to follow me on Twitter at: bholcomb
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