Friday, February 06, 2009

The Octuplet's mother

Recently in the news a California woman gave birth to octuplets in

January. She's been getting a lot of flack for having this 8 children in addition to the 6 children who are currently with her ages 2-7

Outside of her being unemployed and living w/ moms, I don't understand why this is a story. My wife's grandmother on her father's side had @ least 10 kids. One of my best friend's growing up had 7 siblings in addition to him. Maybe this chick (I believe her name is Nadya) wants to be a mother...don't knock her for it.

for those of you who think she's dumb, I bet we all are currently living w/ at least 3 dumb decisions we've made in our lives. Do we need to get some cameras in your life and have ppl blog about your perceived mistakes?

That being said, Nadya...RIGHT ON TO YA. Don't know how you make it thru the day (b/c my 14 month old daughter be runnin me and the Mrs ragged). But that joy you get from the interatction of your 14 children must be priceless...

From the guy who's happy Omar Epps I mean Mike Tomlin won the Super Bowl

B. Holcomb


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