Raw Footage (the multimedia posting)
I love my friends.
My friends are the people who will search the net and find the illest (by illest meaning crazy, hillarious or thought provoking) articles, media files etc...
That being said, please enjoy the below clips:
Kanye West
"Hate him or love him, the underdog's on top..." Kanye has had a great 2004, and an even promising 2005. Those who are familiar w/ this man can equate his name to "gauranteed nice beat" (although I'm beginning to have this theory that Kanye holds his best beats for his friends and artitsts on his label GOOD music, but that's another blog entry)
Okay, so below I have the clip that was the talk of the American public over labor day weekend 2005. NBC had a celebrity telethon to raise efforts for the victims of Hurricane Katrina. One segment featured Mike Myers and Kanye West...and why I'm giving this clip an introduction is beyond me. Please click below the picture and enjoy!

Trapped In The Closet Spoof
I've always believed R. Kelly was "a musical genius". But his latest album, coupled w/ the lead soap opera of Trapped in the Closet, kinda lost me..
That being said, please enjoy the Jimmy Kimmel Spoof on "Trapped in the Closet" entitled "Pizza"
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
...Man, just imagine if Dave Chappelle got a hold of that! Nonetheless, I was entertained by it also.
I thought I had some more...but they are actual files instead of links. So once I figure out how to post actual files, I will present you with Raw Footage Vol 2.
Starting a petition to not allow footage of Bobbi Kris eating on television,
B. Holcomb
P.S. Eric B. and Christopher Williams are both very much alive