Happy Holidays Everybody!

My wife Courtney explained it best to me the other day when the following dialogue took place last week:
B (in his worse Hank Williams Jr impression) Are you ready for some football?!?!?!?
Courtney: No. Because during this time I become a football widow.
B: What's a football widow?
Courtney: A football widow is me from September through the Super Bowl.
B: huh?
Courtney: Basically once it's football season, I lose you beginning day 1 of college football season. You wake up around 8am on Saturday to get all of your errands done. You hope to get back by 10:45am, so that you can catch Lee Corso's (editor's note, the fact that she even knew who Lee Corso was; was hella impressive ) and that other guy's picks for the day. Then you sit around and watch college football ALL DAY; oh, but you will take time out to do some of your chores/errands around the house if you can't find a good game. Not to mention that now that your golf game is "respectable" (editor's note: all respectable means is that B. Holcomb doesn't get laffed at as much due to effed up shots...hell i finally broke 100 the other day )this is the day you're gauranteed to be on the course, if the day is filled with horrible games...)
Then there's Sunday...where we must go to the 8 o'clock service
(editor's note: While I respect the fact that you can't rush the Holly Spirit...it's amazing how spiritually fulfilled you can be if service must finish by xxxx time because there's another service to follow...anyway back to the Court )
Courtney: You rush home in time to gather info about your fantasy football lineups and the various other pools you're in ( editor's note I am addicted ) then you decide if there's a watch party worth your time, or if you'll stay home and invite ppl over and take advantage of the ticket
(editor's note: PEACE TO MY FRIEND FP...WHO GOES "DARK" ON SUNDAYS (with the exception of an occasional email/text message asking if I agreed w/ the most recent Rams play call) IN ORDER TO GET EVERY PENNY'S WORTH OF THE NFL DIRECT TICKET )
Then you watch all the highlights on Sunday night; you wake up Monday am to listen to "Monday am QB" ( Editor's note: Again, she's impressive ) you spend most of Monday talking to AG, CJ and the rest of your boys about the weekend...
Then you have the Monday night game...and from Tuesday-Thursday thanks to that damn NFL Network, you're busy catching replays/highlights via sportscenter in the event that you feel you may have missed something...i believe you call that scouting
AND NOW that we live in Texas, you feel you have to catch these damn high school games
B: (laffing out of control) But baby I don't always go to the high school games
Courtney: You're right, because if you don't go, then you're either at a happy hour, or trying to figure out the contingency plan w/ your boys if there's a lousy college football schedule the following Saturday
I'm just sayin' dude...I'm a football widow!
Sadly, after she broke it down...I can't deny her. She also forgot to mention that I spend my Friday nights catching up on Tivoed programs and playing PS2
Editor's Note: This season my Tivo will be on overdrive! Not to mention that I'm trying to watch the new shows "The 9", "Ugly Betty", those two new NBC shows about "being behind the scenes of a tv show" one stars Tina Fey, the other stars Chandler from friends, & "20 good years". (***Warning, I do not have a good track record for recommending tv shows...so while these may appeal to me...they may be cancelled by sweeps week...view at your own risk***)
Not to mention: The Wire, Smallville, Lost, What About Brian, Grey's Anatomy, Everybody Hates Chris ("Chris" will be cancelled after this season due to it's new time slot), The New Adventures of Old Christine, My Name is Earl, The Office, & Las Vegas, & The Amazing Race. Praise HIS NAME that 24 (affectionately referred to as "The Jack Bauer Power Hour" b/k/a the greatest show on tv right now) comes on during playoff season of the NFL!!!
Also, feel free to stone me, but I will be watching "Survivor" for the first time ever this season. Yea, I usually don't eff w/ Survivor... but the idea that a racially divided Survivor even got green lit by CBS is worth watching by itself
Lastly, I'd like to leave you all with a link to the Septebmer 6th, posting by Bill Simmons The Sports Guy. Usually I look this kid up for his NBA articles...but this NFL preview article that he just penned is certified 5 mic material to me. Hope you enjoy (click the link...it's pretty long, but a great read if you're into the NFL...peace to CJ Spencer for letting me know about this)
The kid that wonders how the hell Notre Dame gets Network TV rotation every Saturday (and please don't write back and say "Because it's God's school..."
B. Holcomb